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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Crawfish Island

Catfish Cove is also the home to Crawfish Island, which takes you even deeper into the bayous and into the spookier areas of the land. The island is home to two of Catfish Cove's most popular attractions...the Muskrat Marsh Expedition and the Haunted Shack.

Crawfish Island

An old covered bridge takes you to Crawfish Island.

A Muskrat Marsh launch glides below the bridge to the island.

The Crawfish Island Gift Shop

The Melon Stand offers fresh fruit and liquid refreshments.

The Haunted Shack...Nighttime is the best time for a visit.

This old fisherman appears to have drunk himself to death.

This bridge creaks and groans as you make your way to the shack.

Last chance to turn back. Is that a wolf I hear howling?

Who knows what lurks inside the shack? These peeps seem to have survived.

The mausoleum and graveyard. Be careful, or you may join the other "permanent" guests.

The Muskrat March Expedition is Catfish Cove's biggest attraction. 
We'll take a ride in the next article.

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