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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Transport Center Expansion: Part 1

The final expansion for Expo 3000 was the Transport Center which featured the Monorail station, Wonder World Emporium, Sunrise Cafe, and more.

The Transport Center added another iconic structure to the Expo 3000 skyline.

A view of the Transport Center from the War of the Worlds plaza.

In conjunction with the Transport Center, a new parking lot and pet kennel were added.

The Wonder World Pet Kennel offered a place to board pets for guests who can't leave home without them.

A view of a small portion of the massive new parking lot.

Guest flock into the park by the thousands from the new parking lot.

An aerial view of Expo 3000 with the new Transport Center to the right.

Another aerial view. The War of the Worlds plaza can be seen to the left of the Transport Center.

The lower level entrance to the Transport Center.

A large sculpture and fountain predominates the Transport Center entrance atrium. It also serves the second purpose of supporting the second floor of the atrium.

A large mural of the Expo 3000 Space Port.

A new restrooms facility is off to the right side.

The second floor of the Transport Center atrium.

A large digital clock is on display here. Wouldn't want anyone to miss their monorail.

The Wonder World Emporium, the park's largest souvenir shop, is located here.

The Emporium offers a huge selection of clothing and souvenirs.

The main check-out center is located centrally inside the Emporium.

A staircase leads up to the second level of the Transport Center.

 ATMs and public telephones. Do parks even have public telephones anymore?

The main concourse with huge skylight on the ceiling. 
The tour continues in Part 2...

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